Šime Babin

During entire lifetime Šime Babin has been involved in his porfessional vocation – that of an Architect. At first he had worked at Urbis, the largest construction design firm in Istria, while since1986, he has been running his own construction design office. The results of his work include many exceptional achievements, particularly in the field of residential construction. His architectural and designer signature is famous in Istria, Dalmatia, croatian islands and the renown now extends even wider.

His constructions are recognised by a refined style applied to both the interiors and the exteriors. Houses that he designs are not merely houses, artefacts that fascinate with monumentality or form, his houses fascinate with a sense of harmony. Every one of his houses makes a home for a certain family. „Šime Babin is above all an artist“, wrote a journalist;  And an artist works with emotion, with care about the people for whom he designs. He is not interested in narcissism, his intersts lie in human beings and their culture of living and hence his houses are homes, while his work is recognised and well loved. Šime Babin, born an islander, has managed to weave all the very best of the Mediterranean ambience into his creation: passion, tenacity, wisdom, depth with which he deliberates and creates.

His style is aesthetically refined and sophisticated and everything points to the fact that he is interested in depth and so thence he creates and speaks. In the current conditions, when superficiality and mediocrity still dominate the domain of architectural creativity in these areas, dedication and excellence are beginning to be recognized and sought after. At the same time, dedication and love for one’s work can be a double-edged sword for the author, because a single average market design price is still expected, which is usually determined per m2, which is completely unacceptable from the point of view of the creator of the original work. Sometimes a smaller project is more demanding, and its creation takes significantly more time than a larger one. It is also necessary to point out the difference between an author’s work that stands out for its original creation and an average one that uses already known templates.

“To be an Architect is nothing, you have to be a Poet”, Le Corbusier

And Šime Babin is definitely a poet of the Architecture.

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